Since the invention of the telescope, Western astrology has incorporated Uranus, Neptune, Ceres, Pluto, and other bodies into its methodology. The outer modern planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are often called the collective or transcendental planets.
Uranus is the planet with the final say but usually doesn't get involved with day to day activities. Uranus is the judge who looks at the absolute bottom line at all major crossroads. What sign your Uranus is in will indicate your level of compassion and change. Uranus rules a utopian way of life. Uranus people are full of ideology and are charitable. They communicate a positive message of peace to their friends and other people no matter their financial or social status. They have a unique appearanceor style. Even if a Uranus person isn't "lucky" and they happen to break some rules ocassionally, they seem to get away with it. They communicate a positive message of peace and love to the world. They are usually not orderly. They seem to climb to levels of power and influence easily. If they stay positive, they will keep being blessed. These people seem to be a mischievous bunch in many areas of life. Uranus was the first planet in Greek mythology. The grandfather of us all. A relatively newer planet, the discovery of Uranus coincided with some of the major breakthroughs of the 20th century, including space travel. This is the planet of change, which is often unexpected. Some consider Uranus to be a rebel., but progress is inevitable and Uranus won't quit until it is achieved. Uranus is the ruler of the Aquarius Sun Sign in Astrology.
Western Astrology: Modern Planets: Uranus
Uranus ![]() |
Uranus is a transpersonal or generational planet. It reveals more information about the generation that you were born into rather than your exact nature. In Greek mythology, Uranus is the personification of the heavens and the night sky. The planet Uranus is very unusual among the planets in that it rotates on its side, so that it presents each of its poles to the Sun in turn during its orbit; causing both hemispheres to alternate between being bathed in light and lying in total darkness over the course of the orbit.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System.
Discovered: 1781 by Sir William Herschel.
Radius: 15,759 miles
Distance from Sun: 1,787,000,000 miles
Mass: 86.81E24 kg (14.54 Earth mass)
Orbital period: 84 years, spending about 7 years in each sign of the zodiac
Length of day: 0d 17h 14m
Moons: Miranda, Titania, Ariel, Oberon, Umbriel, Puck, Cupid, Mab, More
Astrological interpretations associate Uranus with the principles of genius, individuality, new and unconventional ideas, discoveries, electricity, inventions, and the beginnings of the industrial revolution. Uranus, among all planets, most governs genius.
Uranus governs societies, clubs, and any group based on humanitarian or progressive ideals. Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, rules freedom and originality. In society, it rules radical ideas and people, as well as revolutionary events that upset established structures. Uranus is also associated with Wednesday, alongside Mercury.
In art and literature, the discovery of Uranus coincided with the Romantic movement, which emphasized individuality and freedom of creative expression. Additionally, it is often linked to an individual's animal spirit. When it comes to medicine, Uranus is believed to be particularly associated with the sympathetic nervous system, mental disorders, breakdowns and hysteria, spasms, and cramps. Uranus is considered by modern astrologers to be the primary native ruler of the eleventh house