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National Security Degree Programs

Programs and Degrees

What is Involved with Studying National Security Degrees

Post 9/11 private individuals, organizations, and governments have become more concerned over the issue of national security. National security covers more than just the threat of terrorism. There are myriad ways in which our daily lives can be curtailed or disturbed on a national level. Threats can come from individuals, political groups, criminals, or other nations. Graduates of national security degrees are needed in order to understand, predict, and ultimately remove or attenuate the threat.

National Security Degree Programs

Students of national security degrees might study a brood range of subjects. In general there will be heavy emphasis on understanding where potential threats come from and how they arise. History is an excellent way of studying human nature. Once students have gained a good understanding of the types of threat that may occur, it is important to learn how intelligence can be gained, and how that intelligence can be used to prevent an attack or avert a natural disaster. You will likely have plenty of case studies in order to practice your skills in threat prevention, strategic thinking, leadership, and critical analysis.

What Careers Can I Follow with this Training?

The Department of Homeland Security is likely the largest employer of people with national security degrees. There are four departments within the Department of Homeland Security. Of these the Office of Inspector General and Border & Transport Security need the most personnel trained in this field. You may decide to concentrate on border controls or transport safety. Alternatively, you might be interested in "policing the police" by helping to detect fraud, waste, or abuse within the department itself.

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