Much holistic medicine uses the idea that each part of the body holds important information about other parts and that principle can be used in health assessment and diagnosis. Iridology develops that idea by examining the colored section of the eye (known as the "iris") for reflections of the state of other part of the body, (Conventional practitioners also use eye exams to detect diabetes or raised blood pressure)
Iridology forms part of many alternative therapy degrees, and may also be offered as a concentration or studied as a single subject diploma.
Depending on the program you select you might begin your studies in iridology by getting an overall grounding in anatomy and physiology. You could then start studying the eye and the iris in more detail, understanding the structure of the eye in all aspects and the diseases that can affect it. You would then move onto the specific iridological aspects of the program, to study the way in which the conditions of other parts of the body are reflected in the patterns and changes in the iris.
As an iridologist you would most likely work as an alternative therapist who would advise patients on healthcare matters and health improvement based on your examination of their eyes.