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Internet Law Degree Programs

Internet law degree courses are offered by a number of institutions, enabling those wanting to break into this field of work and those wishing to advance their careers within legal services to gain the skills and knowledge required with minimal disruption to their lives.

What is Involved with Studying Internet Law Degrees?

Just like any other Internet degree, you need to establish the credentials held by the Internet school conferring the law degree. It is important to know whether the law degree is recognized in the state in which you intend to work. Regulations concerning legal training vary by state. Some states are perfectly happy to accept Internet law degrees or experience, others will only accept full time education from a recognized school.

Internet Law Degree Programs

Internet law degrees do have many advantages over traditional, campus-based colleges. You can study as and when you like, maybe to fit around a career or caring for a family. Of course you need to ensure that you have plenty of motivation to complete the work on your own. While web casts and Internet tutorials can help with motivation and inclusion, you will likely need to attend seminars occasionally for practical experience. A bachelor generally takes four years to complete, and graduate programs take a further three years of full time education. Clearly, a part time program will take longer.

What Careers Can I Follow with this Training?

This depends largely on the state in which you live and work. Most states require lawyers to pass a bar exam before being allowed to practice. Many newly qualified lawyers join firms, which hire out their services on an "as needed" basis to companies needing extra legal aid over a known period of time such as six months. Local, state, and federal government also employ many attorneys.

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