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Career Colleges » Hawaii » Cosmetology and Beauty
» Esthetician, Skin Care
Hawaii Esthetician, Skin Care Degrees
Esthetician, Skin Care Degrees: Hawaii Colleges
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Hawaii offering Esthetician, Skin Care degrees. Cosmetologists, beauticians, hair stylists, nail technicians, and makeup artists help people achieve their potential.
What more can you say than that getting a college education in Hawaii means spending time in paradise? Everyone knows that Hawaii is one of the most beautiful, pleasant, friendly and enjoyable spots on the planet. Between classes it will be no big deal to hop on your surfboard and catch a few waves. The nightlife is worthy of any major city, and you are also in close proximity to islands where life has changed little in hundreds of years. Whether you are an active type who enjoys swimming, hiking, surfing and sailing, or a more relaxed person who just wants to sunbathe on the beach, you are likely to find your college days in Hawaii to be a major highlight of your life.
Hawaii Colleges: Esthetician, Skin Care Degrees
Do you have a way of accentuating the positive in your features? Bringing out cheekbones, shapely lips, bright eyes, and glowing skin? Perhaps you're the one your friends and family come to for important events like hot dates, bar mitzvahs, anniversaries, or weddings to make their faces, their hair, their entire appearance come alive. Everyone wants to look their best. To look beautiful. To shine. Whether it's the vintage vixen look of Betty Page, the classy and glamorous look of Sharon Stone, or the messy rock star look of Courtney Love, we all have a look we're aiming for. The great thing about cosmetologists, beauticians, hair stylists, nail technicians, and makeup artists is they are able to capture that look. They are personal grooming artists and consultants. Not only do they groom you, but they offer advice and helpful tips on how to maintain the good looks they've helped you to achieve. And when you're in their care, it's like you're being pampered, treated like a queen.
This is an exciting career for those who feel their artist's palette is a fish & tackle box of makeup, hair products, and nail polishes, and whose canvas is a person.
Most cosmetology programs prepare their graduates for a state licensing exam that will allow them to work as professional cosmetologists. Many colleges offer diplomas as well as associate's degrees in cosmetology.
Learn now how you can begin your career helping others look the best they possibly can.
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