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Career Colleges » Hawaii » Criminal Justice and Law
» Police and Law Enforcement
Hawaii Law Enforcement Degrees
Law Enforcement Degrees: Hawaii Colleges
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Hawaii offering Police and Law Enforcement degrees. A degree in Law Enforcement Administration can provide you with the skills to work in the fields of Law Enforcement, Community Corrections, Private Investigations etc.
What more can you say than that getting a college education in Hawaii means spending time in paradise? Everyone knows that Hawaii is one of the most beautiful, pleasant, friendly and enjoyable spots on the planet. Between classes it will be no big deal to hop on your surfboard and catch a few waves. The nightlife is worthy of any major city, and you are also in close proximity to islands where life has changed little in hundreds of years. Whether you are an active type who enjoys swimming, hiking, surfing and sailing, or a more relaxed person who just wants to sunbathe on the beach, you are likely to find your college days in Hawaii to be a major highlight of your life.
Hawaii Colleges: Law Enforcement Degrees
Education to enter the criminal justice or law enforcement administration fields is available at a variety of levels ? from non-degree coursework to associates degrees to bachelor degrees to advanced graduate degrees. In addition to their traditional classes, a number of schools and colleges also offer online courses, making it easy to access the education you are looking for regardless of where you live.
A degree in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement Administration can provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in the fields of Law Enforcement, Community Corrections, Private Investigations and Private Security, or to work as a Prison or Jail Officer. Some colleges have more specific majors that can prepare you to work in other areas of the field. Examples of majors include Computer Information Systems in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Criminal Justice Administration and Planning, Government, or Justice Studies from a humanities perspective. More advanced degrees can provide you with even more specific training. For instance, a Masters in Public Policy with a focus on criminal justice or law enforcement administration can prepare you for a policy-focused career in the field.
The criminal justice field is a large one, with a tremendous number of opportunities for dedicated individuals. Whether your ultimate goal is to work in government, the not-for-profit sector, or the private sector, there is a criminal justice education or law enforcement administration program that can prepare you to enter the area of the field that most interests you.
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