Career Colleges » Illinois » Education and Teaching » Educational Leadership
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Illinois offering Educational Leadership degrees. There are also many education leadership and supervision careers that you can pursue, as well.
Attending an Illinois college means close proximity to fascinating Chicago, a cosmopolitan city with a strong arts scene, great restaurants, and lots of affordable housing. It's also a great town for sports fans, with many world-class teams. There are also extensive stretches of rural land in Illinois, offering opportunities for hiking and fishing. And the Great Lakes provide a wonderful setting for boating, water-skiing, or simply long, thoughtful walks along the shore.Educational Leadership degree provides unparalleled options in the education field by examining the two exciting paths available to you: administration or classroom teaching
qIf you are a classroom teacher who feels they have even more to offer, then educational leadership degrees will help you to develop your full potential. You may wish to move into administration, aspire to be a department head or principal, or remain in direct teaching with a bigger say in policy. Whatever your ambitions, educational leadership degrees offer you a direct route to career development.
Educational leadership degrees are offered at all levels, ranging from bachelor to doctoral degrees. For existing teachers, a master's degree is likely to be the most appropriate next step. You will find you can focus on special areas, such as administration, higher education, or community college leadership among others. Your program will enhance your leadership skills and prepare you for more advanced positions. If you already have a master's degree then educational leadership degrees at doctoral level will prepare you to manage and determine policy in large educational establishments. Programs are offered both online and by campus-based colleges, so you will be able to study in a way which satisfies your present career and lifestyle priorities.
qThere were around 442,000 educational administrators in employment in 2004 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The majority worked for state and local government in schools, universities, and colleges. A significant proportion of educational administrators are due for retirement over the next ten year years. There should therefore be excellent opportunities and outlook for those who have earned educational leadership degrees.