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Massage and Healing Arts
Degrees in Louisiana

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Louisiana Natural Medicine Degrees

Natural Medicine Degrees: Louisiana Colleges

Career College: Louisiana Natural Medicine Programs

Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Louisiana offering Natural Medicine degrees. Natural medicine, complementary therapy, and alternative and holistic medicine are fields that draw on the body's ability to heal itself.

Studies have shown that Louisiana college graduates have a much larger earning potential than non-graduates. Attending a college or university in Louisiana and earning a degree is an investment in your future, and you need to think about a college education in those terms to justify the expense for a degree.

Louisiana Colleges: Natural Medicine Degrees

Stake your claim in the coming natural health and wellness revolution

Natural healing involves moving from a state of non-health into health using only natural means. Fasting to cleanse the body, using massage therapy to ease aching muscles, and taking herbal formulas to soothe an irritated throat are good examples. Homeopathy, herbology, iridology, bioenergetic methods, and nutrition are non-invasive methods of health practice which are designed to stimulate and maintain the body's intrinsic self-healing processes.

Natural Health Programs are based on the principle that healing will occur naturally in the human body if it is given what it truly needs, that is fresh air, sunlight, proper diet, pure water, exercise and rest. Programs range from the philosophy to the practical application of natural health modalities. Several degree programs are tailored to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to become a naturopath, a natural health consultant or to integrate natural health methods into an existing healthcare practice. Concentrations in herbology, iridology, or nutrition and lifestyles may be added to your studies. Students who enjoy the discovery, interpretation, and publication of new findings, natural health trends, and other related topics of interest may find these types of programs a perfect match.

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