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Missouri Computers and Technology Degrees

Computers and Technology Degrees: Missouri Career Colleges

Career Colleges:Missouri Computers and Technology Degrees

Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Missouri offering Computers and Technology degrees.

Locate computer information technology degrees including computer technicians, programmers, repair courses,programming, designing, or helping others.

Although their principles are simple, the people of Missouri are not. Rather, they are a diverse and open-minded group of individuals who combine Southern hospitality with Northern wit, and Midwestern charm. There are numerous universities throughout this large territories state, but most of them are nestled in Jefferson City and St. Louis; both of which have enough action to keep even the most discerning city slicker entertained.

Career Colleges: Missouri Computers and Technology Programs

Technology rules: career training in the IT field is a safe bet

The field fondly known as "tech" is as broad as the educational paths that lead graduates to pursue a future there. Degrees and diplomas obtained through secondary education and vocational schools can lead to entry-level jobs.

Many positions in the information technology field, especially in computer science and programming, require a four-year college degree in computer science, network administration or a related field. Information technology specialists and service providers can traditionally enter the field in one of two ways:

  1. With a vocational degree from one of the many tech schools around the nation
  2. By earning a computer certification, such as those offered by Microsoft and CISCO

Computer degrees across the nation typically include classes in software engineering, programming languages, Web applications, computer graphics, bioinformatics, algorithms and complexity.

Programming a path to success

A generation ago, careers in this area were limited to positions for pioneers and visionaries. Today, careers in computers are a solid occupation and the way of the future. The idea of living without laptops, desktops and mobile devices no longer seems possible.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the employment for software engineers is expected to grow by 23 percent between 2008 and 2018. The mean annual wage for database administrators was $75,730 as of May 2011, $72,200 for network and computer system adminstrators, $90,410 for software developers and $74,900 for computer programmers, according to the BLS.

Author: Judy Jenner

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