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New Jersey Veterinary Assisting Degrees

Veterinary Assisting Degrees: New Jersey Colleges

Career College: New Jersey Veterinary Medicine Programs

Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in New Jersey offering Veterinary Medicine degrees. If you have a love for animals as well as science, then pursuing a veterinary assisting degree may be the path for you.

Attending a New Jersey college will put you in close proximity to New York City and Philadelphia, two world-class cities. New Jersey itself is a much more affordable alternative to New York, with it's relatively peaceful and crime-free towns and small cities. But New Jersey is not all city life: even today, nearly a quarter of the state is farmland, producing the renowned Jersey tomatoes as well as table vegetables and fruits of all kinds. Time out of the classroom can be well spent at New Jersey's 127 miles of Atlantic coastline, with some of the broadest beaches on the Eastern Seaboard.

New Jersey Colleges: Veterinary Assisting Degrees

An animal health technician performs several duties that require special training. This sets AHTs apart from groomers and veterinary assistants who are not licensed to give medical care to animals.

Do you like cats and dogs? How about birds, horses, lizards, fish, and all other pets? After completing veterinary technician school, you will be qualified to help treat all of the above. Under the supervision of a veterinarian, you will treat a wide variety of ailments for a diverse array of animals. For this reason, veterinary technician training is extremely challenging, but extremely rewarding. Given the difficulty of veterinary technician programs, there are simply not enough qualified people out there to meet the demand. As a result, salaries are sometimes quite high for the few who do have the qualifications.

Training is a must

Before you can start, there are some things you must consider. Like most medical professions, you will need some type of training. However, given the specialized nature of the work, most vets will only take people who have had extensive veterinary technician training.

Finding the right school

Luckily there are a number of excellent veterinary technician programs available. Increasingly, people have been turning to distance learning. Online veterinary technician schools offer the quality education you'd expect from a local university, but you won't have the expensive commute or hectic schedules. There is no easier way to begin a career in animal health. Once you take that first step, the opportunities are endless.

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