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Ohio English Language Degrees

English Language Degrees: Ohio Colleges

Career College: Ohio English Language Programs

Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Ohio offering English Language degrees. What can you do with an English major? There's more than one way to turn your interest in the language into a fulfilling career.

College students in the Buckeye State enjoy the arts and culture of major cities and the quiet peace of small towns. A diverse and thriving state, Ohio has long been known for tolerance and is the least segregated of any American state. Ohio is a haven for the arts, with exceptional modern dance at Oberlin, world-class symphony orchestra in Cleveland, and a reborn downtown haven in Cincinatti, a city that blends the South and Midwest without clashing. Going to college in Ohio is a great choice for those who want to taste traditional American small-town charm without sacrificing the culture of the big city.

Ohio Colleges: English Language Degrees

Speak and spell: earning a degree in English Language

Is there a picture of you in the dictionary under the word "bookworm"? Do your friends refer to you as the Grammar Police? A degree in English Language can open up a world of career possibilities. This diverse major combines the study of language and literature, making it a great choice for people who love to read and write.

School of thought: classes and coursework

As a student in an English Language associate, bachelor's, master's, or doctorate program, your course work will likely involve a lot of reading and writing. You may take classes in one or more of the following subjects:

  • Linguistics
  • Literary theory and criticism
  • Modern literature
  • Poetry
  • Creative writing
  • American or British literature

A world of career possibilities

An English Language degree can lay the foundation for a rewarding career in any number of fields or industries. Depending upon the career you choose, you may need to earn a specific level of degree. Most teaching jobs, for example, require at least a bachelor's or master's degree.

Satisfy your word nerd wanderlust and teach English in a foreign country, or combine your education with other foreign language skills and become an interpreter. Write for a newspaper or magazine, or teach an adult how to read. Other career options may include:

  • Primary, elementary, or secondary school teacher
  • Copywriter
  • Editor
  • Interpreter or Translator (must have knowledge of at least one other language)
  • Journalist

As you can see, this diverse course of study can be a terrific base for an equally diverse career.

Sara Faith Alterman

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