Career Colleges » Washington » Health, Medical, and Nursing » Health Care Administration
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Washington offering Health Care Administration degrees. Want to make a difference in the health care field? With a health care administration degree, you can oversee nursing homes, private practices, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and other health care organizations.
Studies have shown that Washington college graduates have a much larger earning potential than non-graduates. Attending a college or university in Washington and earning a degree is an investment in your future, and you need to think about a college education in those terms to justify the expense for a degree.Earn a Diploma, an Associates Degree, or a Bachelor Degree in Healthcare Management or Administration.A health care Administration program will give you the knowledge and expertise you need to be a leader in a health care field, whether you are interested in working in a community health clinic, a hospital, a physician group practice, or another type of health care organization. Some health care Administration programs are geared toward physicians, but many others are geared toward individuals who are not doctors but who are interested in applying excellent qAdministration practices to improve the health of individuals and communities.
Health care Administration and administration degrees are available at a variety of levels, from the bachelor's degree level through the PhD level. Some programs allow you qto specialize in health care Administration while earning a broader degree, like an MBA.
A number of schools allow you to earn a health care Administration degree online. If you have a busy schedule and completing coursework at your own pace without the hassle of commuting to school sounds great to you, distance learning could be just what you are looking for.
A Healthcare Administrator earns an average salary of $63,204 per year. The highest paying skills associated with this job are Program Management, Strategic Planning, registered nurse, Data Analysis, and People Management. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience. Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job.