An online MBA
in Negotiation - Conflict Management is a great way to make you a better manager in the workplace. Negotiation skills are necessary in almost all areas
of management, whether you are dealing with customers, suppliers, employees or strategic partners. Although we tend to think of conflict as a negative
activity, if it is understood and managed properly, it can lead to positive outcomes, including better understanding of problems and situations, more
alternative solutions and therefore increased satisfaction for all parties. Concentrating on win-win solutions needs informed approaches and techniques;
making sure that solutions are win-win is the mark of a good manager.
Many people who will wish to study an MBA in Negotiation
Conflict Management will be working full-time, and will need to combine many study activities with their work; this can be to the benefit of both,
as work will be enhanced by the application of new knowledge and techniques, and study from feedback from real situations. Studying online means that
time taken from work will be used entirely for study, and not to travel to campus. The benefits of studying to your own timetable are particularly
valuable in this situation, where time taken from the working day can count against you.
Studying online means that you download course materials and lectures over the internet, communicating with staff and students via email and telephone.
Your class discussions will utilize chat room technology, and you can even take examinations interactively.
The business administration element should cover all or some of the following subjects: Accounting, Organizational Structure, Finance, Ethics, Law,
Economics, Leadership skills, Strategy, e-commerce, e-business, Project Management, Risk Management, Human Resources, Technology Management, International
Business, and Information Management.
An MBA is an excellent way of gaining promotion, and fitting you for a job in senior management. You gain the skills and knowledge not only of negotiation
and conflict management, but also of the management functions that surround your job. You will learn skills of analysis and synthesis to aid your decision
making processes, and be able to take a strategic view of your function within the organization you work with - all vital skills for senior management.
Your promotion prospects will benefit greatly, as your knowledge, abilities and dedication is obvious thanks to your MBA degree. Holders of MBAs earn
significantly higher average salaries than other graduates, and are provably more successful in their careers.