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» Computer Technician
Computer Technician Degree Programs
Online Computer Technician Training
Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Computer Technician degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Computer maintenance technologists and technicians need to have the ability to solve problems, to follow set procedures and routines and analyze data.
Online Computer Technician Training Degrees
If you are analytical, precise, independent, and logical, computer maintenance may be the field for you. Computer maintenance technologists and technicians need to have the ability to solve problems, to follow set procedures and routines, analyze data, and do research. Programs in computer maintenance technology are designed to help you obtain knowledge, skills and customer service techniques essential in becoming a successful computer maintenance technician. Through program courses you will learn basic electronics and use the latest hardware and software to troubleshoot and repair computer systems, install and configure operating systems, and design and install networking hardware and software. More advanced levels of study can include learning to design web pages and internet server operations. You will also learn problem solving skills and how to accurately keep records.
These programs are designed for those who seek entry-level positions in the labor market as well as those who want advanced training in computer maintenance. Upon completion of a computer maintenance technology program, you should have the qualifications to find employment in business, industry, government, or educational and financial institutions where you may be required to perform many duties related to computer operations. You may also be trained in a more specialized area of computer maintenance such as a computer service technician, network administrator, computer programmer, security specialist, engineer, system analyst or web designer. Depending on the exact position, work hours may vary to include irregular schedules with on-call hours. Computer maintenance can sometimes be a 24-hour job, and it is not unusual to
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