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Barbering, Barber Degree Programs

Online Barbering, Barber

Online Barbering, Barber  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Barbering, Barber degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Search for a barber school in your area and request course info today

Online Barbering, Barber Degrees

Want a creative, independent career? Become a barber!

Barber careers are primarily involved with scalp and hair health and creation of men's hair styles. That statement simplifies all the things you'll learn at a barber school. Because the health of the scalp and hair are involved, you'll need to successfully complete the state licensing requirements that barber schools prepare you for.

Knowledge you'll need to become a barber

Styling men's (and sometimes women's) hair may be the creative reward of your barber schooling, but to be successful, barber programs also teach you how to:

  1. Clean, sterilize, and use combs, brushes, scissors, razors, clippers, hand-held blow dryers, protective drapes and cloths, and your work station
  2. Question patrons about hair, mustache and beard styles, and about scalp health and treatments
  3. Evaluate and style hair that is thick, thin, straight, curly, oily, dry, or requires a perm or color
  4. Treat hair and scalp to alleviate problems
  5. Create bills for services, keep payment records, order supplies, and other financial necessities
  6. Stay up to date on styling trends and techniques

Barber jobs offer diversity

Work at a barber shop or salon, a hotel or spa, on a cruise ship, in the military, at a funeral parlor, at someone else's shop or for yourself. The mean hourly rate nationally for barbers is $13.43 and the mean annual wage is $27,930, according to May 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics figures. If you are good with your hands and would enjoy making men look their best, study to become a barber.

Author: Susanne Clemenz

Suzanne Clemenz became research oriented during 13 years on the San Francisco Peninsula working in advertising management jobs related to business and industrial clients. She continues to enjoy digging for kernels of relevance hidden in any topic.

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