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Cosmetology Degree Programs

Online Cosmetology

Online Cosmetology  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Cosmetology degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Cosmetology students learn to perform beauty services involving hair, nails, skin and cosmetics. Here's what to expect in schooling and careers.

Online Cosmetology Degrees

Cosmetology schools: Prepare for a diverse career

While some people enjoy specializing within the beauty services field, a cosmetologist often spends a longer time in school and is trained to provide many services.

What do cosmetology programs teach you?

It can take one or two years to learn the range of beauty services that a cosmetologist offers, but it can also give you job advantages. Work for someone, then eventually start your own business. You may choose not to provide all services, but your cosmetology career education can include:

  1. Hair care, shampooing, styling, coloring and perming all types of hair
  2. Makeup analysis and application, scalp and facial treatments, head and neck massage
  3. Selecting, styling, fitting and cleaning wigs and hairpieces
  4. Manicure/pedicure services including foot and nail analysis and care
  5. Hair removal via waxing, electrolysis, or laser
  6. Business essentials including accounting, employer/employee issues, product ordering and inventory, and salon management

Cosmetology career opportunities

Good news: cosmetology jobs are growing at a faster than average rate, which is an advantage to finding an entry-level job. You'll probably need a high school diploma or GED, and to pass a state exam and obtain a license. Mean hourly wages for cosmetologists are $13.02 and the mean annual wage is $27,070, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2010 report. Job settings are diverse: salons, spas, resorts and hotels, nursing homes, cruise ships, theatrical venues, department stores, or your own shop are all possibilities. Providing more than one service could give you a competitive advantage in a smaller town. If you're a creative organized people-person, you're already half-way there and nationwide cosmetology schools can put you further on your way.

Author: Susanne Clemenz

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