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Esthetician, Skin Care Degree Programs

Online Esthetician, Skin Care

Online Esthetician, Skin Care  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Esthetician, Skin Care degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Cosmetologists, beauticians, hair stylists, nail technicians, and makeup artists help people achieve their potential.

Online Esthetician, Skin Care Degrees

Esthetician programs can lead to several career choices

Becoming an esthetician, or aesthetician, can be a satisfying, versatile career in itself, or a way to expand business opportunities at a beauty shop, spa, or medical office. Esthetician courses vary greatly.

Match esthetician training to your career goals

If becoming an esthetician as quickly and cheaply as possible is important, you may prefer a local or regional school with minimum requirements. If your goal is operating a business or becoming a medical esthetician, choose a more comprehensive program. Esthetician schools can have some or all of the following courses:

  1. Record-taking: Creating a record of a client's verbal description plus evaluating the skin's appearance, condition, and treatments
  2. Equipment use: Using visors, magnifying lamps, lasers, and other tools
  3. Preparation: How and when to cleanse a client's skin with the appropriate products
  4. Treatments: Improving facial or other skin with appropriate products and techniques including chemical peels, masks, laser hair removal, electrology, and supervised medical treatments
  5. Business: Referring clients to doctors, record keeping, finances, marketing, communications, and more

Esthetician career possibilities

May 2010 figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show a mean hourly wage of $15.90 per hour and a mean annual income of $32,030 for those working in the field. Career preparation can require licensing, work experience, and a certificate or associate degree. Your career opportunities include:

  1. Full or part-time work at a hair salon or spa
  2. Operating your own business
  3. Work in a dermatologist's office and potentially do more advanced procedures

Being an esthetician is satisfying work because it affects your clients' appearance and self confidence. It can be skilled, meaningful work in a fast-growing field.

Author: Susanne Clemenz

Suzanne Clemenz became research oriented during 13 years on the San Francisco Peninsula working in advertising management jobs related to business and industrial clients. She continues to enjoy digging for kernels of relevance hidden in any topic.

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