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Online Legal Professions Degrees and Courses

Legal Professions Degrees Online

Online Legal Professions Degrees and Courses

Looking for accredited online colleges or universities offering Legal Professions degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Legal studies careers that people love: prepare for jobs in the law or criminal justice

Online Career-Focused Degree Programs

Legal studies careers that people love

In the field of law, there are many challenging opportunities that don't require a graduate degree, although becoming an attorney, judge or leglislator still ranks at the pinnacle of the profession.

From library to courtroom: 3 law careers worth a look

For those interested in a career in the legal administrative field, there are ample opportunities to be had by becoming a paralegal. For folks who like to be in on the action every day, a job as a court reporter or lawyer might be more suitable.

  1. Paralegal studies programs are usually brief, typically lasting about six months, depending on the state. Employment opportunities are generally good. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, paralegals and legal assistants earned a mean annual wage of $49,640, as of May 2011. Classes usually include paralegal procedures, property law, criminal law and tort law.

  2. Court reporting is an essential part of the American courtroom. Using sophisticated technology, court reporters provide real-time or transcribed recording of court proceedings and trials. Students at court reporting schools can specialize to become a court stenographer, hearing reporter or real-time reporter. According to the BLS, court reporters earned a mean annual wage of $53,270 as of May 2011.

  3. Attorney: A Juris Doctor (J.D.) is a graduate degree that takes three years to obtain, when studying full-time. Most law schools are highly competitive with course work that generally includes lawyering processes, such as:

    1. Understanding the question
    2. Preparing the task
    3. Executing the objective
    4. Critiquing the process

    Constitutional, contractual, criminal and property law are some of the other complex and demanding coursework you might encounter. The BLS lists the mean annual wage for attorneys at $129,440 as of May 2001.

Many new attorneys go to work for state or local governments, either as public defenders or district attorneys, while other open small private practices, go to work for law firms, or join the legal departments of large corporations.

Author: Judy Jenner

Judy A. Jenner is a freelance writer and translator based in Las Vegas, NV. She's the author of one book, has written dozens of articles for industry publications around the world, and writes a monthly business column. Previously, Judy was the Spanish Content Manager for and Content Manager for, where she wrote extensively about travel and tourism. Judy serves on the board of CLASS!, a bilingual newspaper for high school students, and is the president of the Nevada Interpreters and Translators Association. Judy holds an MBA in marketing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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