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Plumbing Degree Programs

Online Plumbing

Online Plumbing  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Plumbing degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Plumbers and Pipefitters also install, maintain, and repair many different types of pipe systems.

Online Plumbing Degrees

You may be familiar with the local plumber who comes to your home to fix a leaky faucet or unclog a drain; however, a career as a Plumber or Pipefitter involves much, much more. Plumbers and Pipefitters also install, maintain, and repair many different types of pipe systems. And although plumbing and pipefitting tend to be classified into a single trade, you will probably want to consider specializing.

Plumbers install and repair the water, waste, disposal, drainage, and gas systems in homes and commercial and industrial buildings. Plumbers also install plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, showers, sinks, and toilets. Additionally, a plumber also repairs appliances such as dishwashers and water heaters.

Pipefitters install and repair both high and low pressure pipe systems used in manufacturing, in the generation of electricity, and in heating and cooling buildings. Pipefitters also install automatic controls that are increasingly being used to regulate these systems.

Virtually all Plumbers and Pipefitters undergo some type of apprenticeship training. Many apprenticeship programs are administered by union-management committees made up of members of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry. Typical apprenticeships consist of 4-5 years of on-the-job training, in addition to 144 hours per year of related classroom instruction. And while there are no uniform national licensing requirements, most communities require Plumbers and Pipefitters to be licensed.

Plumbers and Pipefitters are among the highest paid construction occupations. Job opportunities are expected to be excellent as demand for skilled workers increase rapidly due to building renovation and new construction. So don't let this great opportunity pass you by. Get started on a great career as a Plumber or Pipefitter today.

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