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Career Colleges » Connecticut » City of Stamford
Stamford, Connecticut Colleges
Career Colleges and Universities in Stamford, Connecticut
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Stamford, Connecticut. Each degree from a Stamford, Connecticut Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field.
At career colleges in Connecticut, you typically don't take general education classes in core subjects such as English and math. Instead, you focus on career-related courses.
Connecticut Area Career and Technical Training Programs:
Stamford is a residential suburb that is also known as a "dormitory" for nearby New York City, although increasingly, businesses are being located in Stamford itself. Stamford area colleges number some fourteen institutions, of which seven are central Stamford colleges. Programs range between vocational courses, languages, technology, and academic subjects. The climate is seasonal, snowy and cold in winter, warm in summer. Rainfall is quiet a lot higher than the national average. Crime rates are much lower than the national average.
Supporters of the performing arts will be delighted to find that Stamford has its very own orchestra and theater company: Stamford Symphony Orchestra and Stamford Theater Works. There is a regular and varied schedule of performances. Local attractions include Bartlett Arboretum, Stamford Museum & Nature Center, Stamford Historical Society Museum, and an art museum.
College Education Training in Connecticut Cities:
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