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Career Colleges » Illinois » City of Quincy
Quincy, Illinois Colleges
Career Colleges and Universities in Quincy, Illinois
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Quincy, Illinois. Each degree from a Quincy, Illinois Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field.
At career colleges in Illinois, you typically don't take general education classes in core subjects such as English and math. Instead, you focus on career-related courses.
Illinois Area Career and Technical Training Programs:
Quincy, Illinois has a reputation for being not quite rural, and not quite urban. With a population of roughly 40,000, the city lies along the Mississippi River and features an impressive array of architecture dating back to before the Civil War. Students at the local Quincy, Illinois colleges have an ideal setting in which to pursue their academic coursework and extracurricular activities. Despite substantial economic development in the thriving downtown area, it's not terribly difficult to imagine that you're living in another time and place due to the city's strong adherence to its Mark Twain-esque reputation. The city is also remarkable in that it played a crucial role during the Underground Railroad days. In fact, due to Quincy's close proximity to Missouri, slavery was often a hotly debated issue shortly before the Civil War broke out.
Aside from the extensive history, the rural feel, the catfish angler competitions, the fine cuisine, and the beautiful architecture, Quincy also has excellent education programs that attract students from all walks of life. The various programs offered in this particular Illinois city range from urban planning to the culinary arts to psychiatric medicine. And thus, you're almost guaranteed to find a major ideally suited to your specific interests and inclinations. And all the while, you won't have to deal with the congestion and traffic more commonly associated with nearby Chicago. Rather, you can enjoy an idyllic setting that offers you access to fine dining, various cultural outlets, and intellectual stimulation.
College Education Training in Illinois Cities:
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