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Career Colleges » Indiana » City of Lafayette
Lafayette, Indiana Colleges
Career Colleges and Universities in Lafayette, Indiana
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Lafayette, Indiana. Each degree from a Lafayette, Indiana Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field.
At career colleges in Indiana, you typically don't take general education classes in core subjects such as English and math. Instead, you focus on career-related courses.
Indiana Area Career and Technical Training Programs:
If you are interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing, automotive engineering, or pharmaceuticals, you might consider adding Lafayette, Indiana colleges to your list of potential places to study. Although Lafayette only has approximately 13,000 permanent residents, it is home to several large-scale producers including Alcoa, Caterpillar, Wabash international, Fairfield Manufacturing, Subaru of Indiana Automotive, and Elli Lilly & Co. (a pharmaceutical corporation). It wouldn't be terribly difficult to secure internships at these major players if you attended one of the many Lafayette, Indiana colleges. This would be a terrific way to supplement your classroom learning with hands on, real world experience.
Although manufacturing is obviously a very important industry in Lafayette, the education programs in this part of Indiana offer their students exposure to other areas as well. The humanities, the performing arts, science, medicine, and technology are all popular disciplines at the various schools and universities. In addition, Lafayette boasts many beautiful parks, including the Horticulture Gardens at Purdue University and the Jerry E. Clegg Botanic Garden. If you are a history buff, you won't want to miss Tippecanoe Battlefield, and if you are an animal lover, Wolf Park is home to bison, foxes, and wolves, all under the protection of the North American Wildlife Park Foundation. So by attending Lafayette education programs in Indiana, you have access to a broad spectrum of experiences, environments, and interests. Manufacturing, producing, the humanities, wildlife, botanical gardens, and historical landmarks are just some of the many perks associated with attending school in Lafayette.
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