Career Colleges » Ohio » City of Kettering
Looking for accredited career colleges, technical schools, and universities in Kettering, Ohio. Each degree from a Kettering, Ohio Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field.
At career colleges in Ohio, you typically don't take general education classes in core subjects such as English and math. Instead, you focus on career-related courses.
Kettering, Ohio could be that ideal suburb. This town of over 55,000 residents has plenty of academic and economic offerings of its own, but add in the offerings of its neighbor Dayton (just five miles away), and residents can expand their opportunities and find even more postsecondary education choices for consideration.
The main college located in Kettering is called Kettering College. There, students can choose from associate and bachelor's degree programs, as well as master's degrees and certificates in a number of subjects ranging from biology to nursing. The college, chartered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is owned by the Kettering Medical Center, a regional acute-care hospital.
Students looking for vocational training or two-year degrees might want to try National College, which has its Dayton campus in Kettering. There, students can choose from nine associate degree programs, ranging from surgical technology to information systems engineering, but can also explore any of the school's eight diploma programs, including accounting and pharmacy teching.
There are a few other colleges in Kettering and plenty more in nearby Dayton such as Miami-Jacobs Career College, Sinclair Community College, and the University of Dayton. The average in-state tuition and fees in Ohio for the 2011-12 academic year were $3,608 for public two-year colleges; $8,904 for public four-year colleges, and $28,376 for private nonprofit four-year colleges, according to The College Board.
Kettering has a dynamic economy for a town its size. The main industries in Kettering are educational services, and health care and social assistance, making up a quarter of the jobs in town. The top five employers include Kettering Medical Center, Kodak, Reynolds and Reynolds Company, GE Money and Intimate Brands. With an average work commute of 20 minutes, Kettering residents can take advantage of job opportunities in nearby Dayton and beyond as well. The city is also taking a lead in economic development by offering a business loan program to help provide gap financing to businesses planning to locate, expand or rehabilitate their businesses in the city.