As impressive and diverse as the state's landscape, Colorado's higher education system boasts more than 470 institutions and 400,000 students. From the trails of Boulder to the slopes of Vail to the Colorado River's white rapids, the Centennial State is the ideal backdrop for students who thrive in nature and enjoy the adventure of the outdoors.
Reflective of its varied non-scholastic activity options, Colorado has a higher education system which offers hundreds of different institutions appealing to nearly a half million students from all walks of life. These include four-year state universities, community colleges, seminary schools, technical and trade schools and private occupational institutions.
However, not all students in the Colorado higher education system are enrolled in a major four-year university. Thousands of students attend two-year or community colleges in Colorado, which typically have a less competitive admissions process and can be more cost-effective than a four-year university.
In addition to public options, Colorado has hundreds of private and independent institutions that appeal to students with religious, trade or occupational preferences.
With so many different paths of study available, Colorado's higher education system has a diverse student body, as well. As of 2009, the population of undergraduate students of all ages enrolled in Colorado's four-year public institutions was made up of approximately 20 percent Asian, Black (non-Hispanic), Hispanic or Native American students. Seventy-one percent was made up of white (non-Hispanic) students. And the last nine percent was made up of non-resident, alien students or students whose race/ethnicity were unknown.
Compared to 2007 and 2008, enrollment was up across all groups. The breakdown of undergraduate student headcount is as follows:
All students can expect between $900 and $1,700 in monthly living expenses, depending upon whether they live with their families, off-campus or on-campus. Tuition also varies based on institution type, course load and whether a student is a resident or non-resident.
On average, resident undergraduate tuition and fees--based on 30 credit hours per academic year--run between $1,500 and $3,000 for two-year or community colleges and between $4,000 and $12,000 for four-year public colleges. Private institutions vary greatly but can cost upwards of $15,000 per year.
That said, education certainly pays off in the long run. More than 30 percent of people age 25 and older had a bachelor's degree in 2009, and as a result, they make more money per year than those without a degree. When compared with tuition prices, the average earnings listed below outweigh the cost of a Colorado education:
With its abundance of clean air, fresh water and rugged terrain, Colorado is ideal for active and adventurous personalities. Still, it's the state's educational opportunities that many Colorado students find most appealing of all.