The four spot skimmer dragonfly, (Libellula quadrimaculata,) per legislation (HB 239) introduced by Senator Georgianna Lincoln on behalf of elementary students in her district, and passed by the 19th Legislature on August 24, 1995. (Ch 49 SLA 95).
After a campaign by students from the Auntie Mary Nicoli Elementary School in Aniak, the winner is the four-spot skimmer dragonfly. It mauled the mosquito. It battered the butterfly. And it bested the bumblebee in a tight contest to be the Last Frontier's official insect.
After the votes were tallied from every public school in the state, the dragonfly downed the mosquito 3,914 to 3,035. In a sponsor statement for House Bill 239, which Gov. Knowles signed into law in May, Rep. Irene Nicholia stated a reason the dragonfly was more worthy to represent the state than the mosquito: "The dragonfly's ability to hover and fly forward and backward reminds us of the skillful maneuvering of the bush pilots in Alaska."
The Four-spotted
Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata), known in North America as the Four-spotted Skimmer, is a dragonfly of the family Libellulidae found frequently
throughout Europe, Asia, and North America.
The adult stage is found between April to early September in the United Kingdom, and from mid-May to mid-August in Ireland. Larvae have a two year
developmental cycle. Adults feed predominantly on mosquitoes, gnats and midges; the larvae feed primarily on other aquatic insect larvae and on tadpoles.
There is a variant form, praenubila Newman, which has exaggerated wing spots. This is believed to be related to water temperatures during larval development,
and appears to be more common in Europe than in the Americas.
Labrador to New Jersey, southwest to Arizona, north to British Columbia, Alberta, and Alaska.
Near ponds or broad, slow parts of rivers, sometimes straying to open woods.
Early April to mid-August
Naiad- Feeds on small aquatic insects.
Adult- Eats small flying insects.
The naiad does particularly well in acidic bogs, and lives in the debris on the bottom of lakes, ponds, bogs, and marshes. They do not actively pursue prey but wait for it to pass by, a strategy which affords them protection from other predators. Naiads emerge as adults at night. Adults generally fly from early April to mid-August. Hunting occurs from perches on twigs or rocks. This is the only Libellula species in our area in which the males do not become pruinose. Although it does not regularly migrate in North America, this species has been known to migrate in Europe, generally in 10 to 15-year cycles. The direction of the migration varies, and the migrations are thought to be triggered by a trematode parasite (it is known that several types of parasites can cause unusual behaviors in their hosts that promote the dispersal of the parasite). This species has also been known to form large swarms in Europe, often covering 100 square miles (roughly 300 square km).
After males and females mate, the female flies singley, without the male attached, to lay her eggs. She does this by dipping the tip of her abdomen in the water while hovering just above its surface.
The law designating the four spot skimmer dragonfly as the official Alaska state insect is found in the Alaska Statutes 2015, Title 44, Chapter 09, Section 44-09-130
Sec. 44.09.130. State insect.
The four spot skimmer dragonfly is the official state insect
(Sec. 1 ch 49 SLA 1995)
Taxonomic Hierarchy: Four-Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly
Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)