Colorado Famous People
Famous Americans: History and Biographies
Links to histories and biographies of the famous people of Colorado. Many famous people of Colorado have made significant contributions to the history
of our nation and the state of Colorado. These famous Americans, famous entertainers, famous players, famous scientist, famous singers, famous statesmen,
famous women, heroes, great explorers, and others Colorado famous Americans have all made Colorado their home. This list includes Colorado historical
figures, celebrities and those individuals of Colorado who have influenced the lives of others.
- Tim Allen (1953 - ) Actor, His films include The Santa Clause
(1994) and the voice of Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story (1995); born in Denver.
- Scott Carpenter (1925 - ) One of the original
seven US astronauts and second American to orbit the earth; born in Boulder.
- Ben Nighthorse Campbell
(1933 - ) First Native American to serve in the US Senate (1992).
- Adolph Coors (1847-1919) Founder of the Adolph Coors
Company in Golden
- Lon Chaney (1883 - 1930) Lon Chaney was born in Colorado Springs, the
son of deaf-mute parents. At an early age he learned to communicate using pantomime and facial expressions. Chaney became one of Hollywood's most
popular actors during the silent film era and is best known for his portrayal of grotesque characters such the Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom
of the Opera. Chaney appeared in 157 films between 1913 and 1930.
- Jack Dempsey (1895 - 1983) Boxer,
world heavyweight champion from 1919-26; born in Manassa.
- John Elway (1960 - ) Famous Denver Broncos quarterback.
- Douglas Fairbanks (1883 - 1939) Actor and founder of United
Artists with Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin; born in Denver.
- Eugene Fodor (1950 - ) World-renowned
violin soloist.
- Ruth Handler (1916-2002) was born in Denver. In 1945, she and her husband Elliot established a small business enterprise, calling it Mattel
Creations. In 1959, she created the Barbie Doll, naming it after her daughter. It was an instant success. More than 1 billion Barbies have been sold
since 1959, making it the best-selling toy in history. Today, Mattel is one of the world's largest toy manufacturers.
- Erick Hawkins (1909-1994), dancer and choreographer, was born in Trinidad, Colorado. He trained with the School of American Ballet and
became the first male dancer in the Martha Graham Company in 1938. In the 1950s, he formed his own dance company.
- Willard Libby (1908 - 1980) Nobel
Prize winner in chemistry, discovered radio-carbon dating; born in Grand Valley.
Ouray Ouray (Arrow) (c. 1833-August 24, 1880) was a Native American chief of the Uncompahgre band of the Ute tribe, then located in western
Colorado. Ouray was born in what is now New Mexico. Because of his leadership ability, Ouray was also acknowledged by the United States government
as a chief of the Ute. In 1880 he left Colorado to travel to Washington, D.C., where he testified before Congress about the Ute uprising of 1879.
He tried to secure a treaty for the Uncompahgre Ute, who wanted to stay in Colorado; but, the following year, the United States forced the Uncompahgre
and the White River Ute to the west to reservations in present-day Utah.
R. Sabin (November 9, 1871 - October 3, 1953) was an American medical scientist. Florence Sabin was born in Central City, Colorado, on November
9, 1871, the youngest daughter of Serena Miner and George K. Sabin. Her father was a mining engineer, so the family spent several years in mining
communities (Smith College n.d.). At the age of seven, Florence's mother died from puerperal fever (sepsis), and after her death, Sabin and her sister
Mary lived with their Uncle Albert Sabin in Chicago and then with their paternal grandparents in Vermont. She was a pioneer for women in science;
she was the first woman to hold a full professorship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the first woman elected to the National
Academy of Sciences, and the first woman to head a department at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In her retirement years, she pursued
a second career as a public health activist in Colorado, and in 1951 received a Lasker Award for this work.
- Paul Whiteman (1890 - 1967),
jazz bandleader, was born in Denver. He started his musical career as a classical violinist and violist, before establishing his own orchestra. The
Paul Whiteman Orchestra was the most popular orchestra in the country during the 1920s, toured extensively, and made numerous recordings. Whiteman
commissioned George Gershwin to write Rhapsody in Blue and directed the premiere performance in 1924, with the composer at the piano.
More Famous Coloradoans:
Find more more Colorado famous people below. You
may not even realize many of these famous people were born in Colorado or notable associated with Colorado, including actors, actresses, explorers,
historical figures, inventors, musicians, novelists, professional athletes, important politicians, singers, sport stars and more.
- Zachery Ty Bryan actor, Aurora
- Ralph Edwards, TV and radio producer was born in Merino, Colorado, in 1913. In 1940, he created the popular "Truth or Consequences"
program, which quickly became radio's top-ranked audience participation show. He also created and hosted This is Your Life, which aired from 1948
to 1950 on radio. Both programs later became popular television shows. In 1995, Edwards was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame.
- Gene Fowler writer
- Lawrence H. Gipson historian, Greeley
- Homer Lea soldier, writer
- Ted Mack TV host, Greeley
- Ouray Ute Indian chief, Colorado Territory
- Robert J. Seiwald inventor, Fort Morgan
- Byron Raymond White jurist, Fort Collins
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