The Colorado state flag was adopted on June 5, 1911 by an act of the General Assembly. The flag was designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson in 1911. The flag was adopted to be used on all occasions when the state is officially and publicly represented, with the privilege of use by all citizens upon such occasions as they deem fitting and appropriate. Laws pertaining to use of the National flag are also applicable to use of the State flag.
flag consists of three alternate stripes of equal width and at right angles to the staff, the
two outer stripes to be blue of the same color as in the blue field of the national flag and
the middle stripe to be white, the proportion of the flag being a width of two-thirds of its
length. At a distance from the staff end of the flag of one fifth of the total length of the
flag there is a circular red C, of the same color as the red in the national flag of the United
States. The diameter of the letter is two-thirds of the width of the flag. The inner line of
the opening of the letter C is three-fourths of the width of its body or bar, and the outer
line of the opening is double the length of the inner line thereof. Completely filling the
open space inside the letter C is a golden disk, attached to the flag is a cord of gold and
silver, intertwined, with tassels, one of gold and one of silver.
The Colorado flag was originally designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson in 1911. Precise colors of red and blue were not designated in the 1911 legislation and some controversy arose over these colors. On February 28, 1929, the General Assembly stipulated the precise colors of red and blue as the same as the national flag.
Controversy also arose over the size of the letter C and on March 31, 1964, the General Assembly further modified the 1911 legislation by revising the distance from the staff for the letter C and its diameter.
Citation from the Colorado Senate Bill 118, 1911; Senate Bill 152, 1929; Senate Bill , 1964.
The geographical territory which comprises the present day State of Colorado has historically been under many flags.
Citation from the Colorado State Archives
Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 24, Article 80, Part 9.
24-80-904. State flag.
A state flag is hereby adopted to be used on all occasions when the state is officially and
publicly represented, with the privilege of use by all citizens upon such occasions as they
may deem fitting and appropriate. The flag shall consist of three alternate stripes to be of
equal width and at right angles to the staff, the two outer stripes to be blue of the same
color as in the blue field of the national flag and the middle stripe to be white, the proportion
of the flag being a width of two-thirds of its length. At a distance from the staff end of
the flag of one-fifth of the total length of the flag there shall be a circular red C, of the
same color as the red in the national flag of the United States. The diameter of the letter
shall be two-thirds of the width of the flag. The inner line of the opening of the letter C
shall be three-fourths of the width of its body or bar, and the outer line of the opening shall
be double the length of the inner line thereof. Completely filling the open space inside the
letter C shall be a golden disk; attached to the flag shall be a cord of gold and silver intertwined,
with tassels one of gold and one of silver. All penalties provided by the laws of this state
for the misuse of the national flag shall be applicable to the said state flag.
Source: L. 11: p. 611, 1. C.L. 489. L. 29: p. 621, 1. CSA: C. 152, 4. CRS 53: 131-8-4. C.R.S.
1963: 131-8-4. L. 64: p. 660, 2.
Cross references: For the penalty for mutilation of flag, see 18-11-204.